Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our first attempt

So this month marks the first month of trying. I dunno know why but I always figured I would get pregnant the first time around, i.e. super sperm meets super egg. So of course, after a weekend tryst of trying, it was only natural that I felt pregnancy symptoms...the nausea, the dizziness, constant peeing, swollen boobs.....or maybe it was only natural that i was imagining these symptoms. I stalked the internet for clues of early pregnancy symptoms and while I wasn't totally sure I had these symptoms, I desperately wanted my body to exhibit them. So 10 days post-conception (gotta be p.c. by using preggo lingo) and 10 days of no dunkin donuts coffee, I decided to stop the insanity and take the dreaded test.....yes, my first pregnancy test.

I decided not to tell hubby.....for one thing, I wanted to learn by myself first and I also knew that I would be somewhat upset if it didn't turn out positive. So, at 7:00 am today, I jumped out of bed and decided to take the damn test. After peeing on the stick (I almost botched this up - don't ask) and waiting two very long minutes, I knew our attempts were fruitless- there was no line. I was upset - how could I be so naive in thinking it would occur the first time around? Didn't my friends tell me it would take time?!

At this point, I wasn't sure what to do so I carefully buried the pregnancy test at the bottom of the trash bucket. I decided I would tell hubby this weekend, when aunt flow is due. I also decided there was no point in getting too upset because it was only our first attempt. A negative test only meant more trying, something that I knew my hubby wouldn't be upset over! :) So, as I got dressed for work, I thought of things that would make me happy and the first thing that came to mind was a big, fat cup of my beloved Dunky and that immediately put a huge smile on my face!